Hump Day with That Sports Chick - May 09,2013
Every Wednesday tune in for the perfect sports show to for the middle of your week, Hump Day with That Sports Chick. Robyn Vandenberg hosts this entertaining, opinionated and sports-obsessed show and...
View ArticleThe Sports Breakdown - May 11,2013
The Sports Breakdown with T and That Sports Chick will breakdown the top stories of the week regarding the world of Sports. The spin here is that Twan aka "T" is the guy you want on your sports trivia...
View ArticleEpisode 175: Mothers Day Best Of - May 12,2013
There could be only one show from last year for this years Mothers Day: For the career minded Naval professional, to have a chance for the greatest advancement and promotion, you have to push and push...
View ArticleThe Nikki X Happy Hour - May 14,2013
Is it the Nikki X Variety Hour? Maybe. On the 13th of May live broadcast, Lee and Todd bring on Robyn Vandenberg of the Route 4 Sports Chick and Twan Staley of the Black Red Sox Fan blog to discuss...
View ArticleEconomics of America’s Food Supply - May 14,2013
Join us for a very exciting show with guests Robyn OBrien, author of "The Unhealthy Truth"; and Joel Salatin, author, speaker and infamous organic farmer whose farm was featured in Michael Pollans NYT...
View ArticleThe Route 4 Sports Chick - Robyn Vandenberg - May 15,2013
The newest show on TSCRN. Shes loud, shes opinionated, and she knows her sports. Join "The Sports Chick" Robyn Vandenberg and she shocks and amazes you with her knowledge of sports. Live here on...
View ArticleReal Talk w/Robyn - May 16,2013
Real Talk, New Music, Always!motivation | music | independent artist | dream | self help
View ArticleHump Day with That Sports Chick - May 16,2013
Every Wednesday tune in for the perfect sports show to for the middle of your week, Hump Day with That Sports Chick. Robyn Vandenberg hosts this entertaining, opinionated and sports-obsessed show and...
View ArticleVanished Beauty (Fatal Sunset)-Mark Yoshimoto Nemkoff - May 16,2013
Dead just one week into her Australian honeymoon, Tina Watsons body lay a hundred feet below the oceans surface at the foot of the Great Barrier Reef. Across the globe, three days into a secret Aruban...
View ArticleEarnestly Speaking Radio Show - May 17,2013
Hosted by: Earnest EJ Christian, Bob Sullivan and Antwan Staley Guest Co-Host - Gee Steelio SCHEDULED TO APPEAR Jinx Grand - Host of JG Sports Talk Robyn Vandenberg - Radio Personality NBA | Playoffs...
View ArticleAnimator and Creator of Chilltown TV Leesa Dean - May 18,2013
Join Miss Naiya Marcelo and Syndee Friday at 10:00pm mountain time with special guest Chilltown TV creator Leesa Dean. Chilltown is a wild, hip-hop oriented animated comedy web series Chilltown...
View ArticleThe Sports Breakdown - May 18,2013
The Sports Breakdown with T and That Sports Chick will breakdown the top stories of the week regarding the world of Sports. The spin here is that Twan aka "T" is the guy you want on your sports trivia...
View ArticleTSC Saturday Night w/ Drew and THAT SPORTS CHICK - May 19,2013
What happens when you put, the "Mad Scientist" of Sports Talk in Nick Ficorelli, and " The Ultimate Stat Boy" Andrew Gluchov - you get 2 hours of action-packed, fun-filled, and sometimes, intense...
View ArticleThe Nikki X Happy Hour - May 21,2013
On the 20th of May 2013 live broadcast, Lee and Todd and Robyn discuss the NBA playoffs, the NHL postseason, the world of baseball and cigars. Tune in at 8pm and call in at 646-716-6359.sports | NBA |...
View ArticleThe Route 4 Sports Chick - Robyn Vandenberg - May 22,2013
The newest show on TSCRN. Shes loud, shes opinionated, and she knows her sports. Join "The Sports Chick" Robyn Vandenberg and she shocks and amazes you with her knowledge of sports. Live here on...
View ArticleHump Day with That Sports Chick - May 23,2013
Every Wednesday tune in for the perfect sports show to for the middle of your week, Hump Day with That Sports Chick. Robyn Vandenberg hosts this entertaining, opinionated and sports-obsessed show and...
View ArticleThe Sports Breakdown - May 25,2013
The Sports Breakdown with T and That Sports Chick will breakdown the top stories of the week regarding the world of Sports. The spin here is that Twan aka "T" is the guy you want on your sports trivia...
View ArticleTSC Saturday Night w/ Drew and THAT SPORTS CHICK - Night 2 - May 26,2013
What happens when you put, the "Mad Scientist" of Sports Talk in Nick Ficorelli, and " The Ultimate Stat Boy" Andrew Gluchov - you get 2 hours of action-packed, fun-filled, and sometimes, intense...
View ArticleThe Nikki X Happy Hour - May 28,2013
On the 27th of May live broadcast, Robyn, Lee and Todd discuss the NBA and NHL playoffs, baseball, the Champions League final, Robyn tries to sell us on NASCAR and Todd talks UFC. Plus, Rob Gordons....
View ArticleThe Route 4 Sports Chick - Robyn Vandenberg - May 29,2013
The newest show on TSCRN. Shes loud, shes opinionated, and she knows her sports. Join "The Sports Chick" Robyn Vandenberg and she shocks and amazes you with her knowledge of sports. Live here on...
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