Psychic medium and angel coach, Terryee abbott and Heidi Hoke and I will discuss the following: ASCENSION A.) Spiritual Emergence aka Ascension is subtle by nature. (Why is it shifting now?) B.) It is a subtle Energy Shifts which raises the frequency of our vibration with huge physical impacts. (Will this shift transform our form/ earthly body?) C.) This Energy Shifts also causes the individual Spirit's Emergence/Ascension which is a personal journey. It always differs from person to person. (To where will we shift, a different planet or a different dimension of Gaia/Earth?) D.) Discuss the first 10 signs and/or symptoms of Ascension which have been noted. E.) Learn and exchange suggestions for: 1.) Ways to address these symptoms 2.) Enjoy the process of ascension F.) Increase your vibration to enjoy an incredible life of prosperity. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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